Namir Al-Ansari, M.D.


Provider Name: Namir Al-Ansari, M.D.

Academic Appointment: Assistant Professor

Provider Specialty: Gastroenterology

Areas of Clinical Focus:  Pediatric Gastrointestinal/Liver and Nutritional Disorders

Areas of Research/Scholarship Focus:  Pediatric Gastrointestinal/Liver Disease

Board Certification(s):  American Board of Pediatric Gastroenterology/American Board of Pediatrics

Primary Practice Name: Children's Hospital of MI

Primary Practice Address: 3901 Beaubien - 2nd Floor - Carl's Bldg

City: Detroit

State: MI

ZIP Code: 48201

Practice Phone Number: (313)745-5585

Practice Fax: (313)745-5155

Other Practicing Locations:

Accepted Insurance: We accept most types on insurance. Please call to confirm that your carrier is on our list.

Languages Spoken:  English/Arabic

Medical School:  College of Medicine - Univeristy of Baghdad

Internship:  Hilla Hospital

Residency: Mount Sinai Medical Center

Fellowship: Mount Sinai Medical Center

Selected Publications:
1. Analysis of the Effect of Intestinal Resection on Rat Ileal Bile Acid
Transporter Expression and on Bile Acid and Cholesterol Homeostasis.
Pediatric Research 2002 Aug;52(2): 286-291.
PMID: 12149508

2. The Role of AP-1 in the Transcriptional Regulation of the Rat Apical
Sodium-Dependent Bile Acid Transporter.
J Biol Chem. 2001 Oct 19; 276(42): 38703-14.
PMID: 11509565

[1]Young Investigator Travel Award

[2]Fellowship of The American Gastroenterological Association

Curriculum vitae
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